Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Anonymous Facebook Goup Gunning For CNU President's Resignation

A Facebook page calling for the firing of Christopher Newport University President Paul Trible has been created by an anonymous user. It seems that the creator of the page is revealing (while not substantiated) the faculty’s intentions to move ahead with a vote of no confidence against Trible and Provost Mark Padilla. It is important to understand that a vote of no confidence by faculty members does not necessarily lead to resignation, instead it signals the faculty’s opposition to their leadership and agenda. At the very least, an embarrassing attack.

Facebook has proven once again it has a powerful voice. Similar to what we saw several weeks back with a Facebook group of anonymous followers referred to as the “Honour Revloution” (calling for citizens of Gaza to take to the streets and protest with the aim of toppling the government); this new group is empowered by anonymity. The anonymous members can voice their opinions and influence public opinion without the fear of retribution or personal attacks. The name of the Facebook page is “Christopher Newport-Faculty”.

This manner of communicating anonymously is becoming more and more common. As people realize the great power they have through anonymity they flock to social networking sites and the media to reveal opinions, secrets and scandals. While some prefer to send an anonymous message or simply hide behind an anonymous social profile, others still rely on the old tried and true method of sending an anonymous letter.

If you would like to read more about the story from its original source click here.

Discover how to send an anonymous email - Go Silent! The Truth Will Set You Free...


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